I did get to spend the holidays in the hospital. All of my levels (white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets) were critically low. I was there 8 days getting transfusions and waiting for my bone marrow to start working again so it could produce those cells. My body has built up antibodies to the platelets and blood so it takes a long time to get my levels up.
I came back to the hospital yesterday for another round of chemo. This will take 6 days then I can go home until my levels drop again. Then in about a week I will be back to the hospital trying the get the levels up again. This is a very long journey, but worth the fight. I have so much to live for! I will have one more chemo treatment in March then hopefully I will be in Remission and won't have any relapses. Thanks again for all of your love and support. Love you all!